Tambora Systems, Singapore and IS-Wireless, Poland have announced a partnership with Telkha Network Inc., Philippines for bringing in cutting edge solutions for MNO (Mobile Network Operators) and Enterprises for the local market. These industry first solutions enable our customers to reduce costs by 50-70% and generate new revenues. The high degree of automation reduces the time to provision from weeks to minutes.
IS-Wireless LiquidRANTM, a cutting-edge Open RAN (ORAN) technology, is currently deployed in Europe and UK. Tambora MasterSensingTM, a first of its kind, user initiated 4G gQoE (guaranteed Quality of Experience) solution is deployed in Vietnamobile and certified by Celcom Axiata, Malaysia; Smartfren, Indonesia and Ooredoo, Kuwait.
The IS-Wireless LiquidRANTM, Tambora EdgeCoreTM and Tambora MasterSensingTM are integrated under the Tambora EdgeUnifyTM platform. It is deployed in Telkom Malaysia for PNaaS (Private Network as a Service) and for next generation business services to the enterprise market segment.
Telkha Network has launched an OPEX model for MNO and Enterprises that includes active and passive infrastructure with full suite of services. “It is a one stop solution; we provide everything from equipment to services on a turnkey basis” says Khalid Khalil, CEO & Founder, Telkha Network Inc. “It is so simple; one monthly payment that includes even the energy bill payment” says Mike Zambrano, VP - Business Development, Telkha Network. This partnership with Tambora and IS-Wireless is a part of the Telkha’s initiative to bring the best in the world solutions to Philippines and ASEAN market.
ORAN 2.0 & Edge Core for MNO
“First wave of ORAN has overpromised and underdelivered. We are the second wave that delivers the promise” says Slawomir Pietrzyk, President & CEO at IS-Wireless. “Delivering 3X spectral efficiency, 10 mbps per m2 area traffic capacity and 10X energy efficiency calls for new network and product architecture” says Anand Uppili, CEO of Tambora Systems. “Densification is the only network architecture solution to deliver these ITU-T TMT 2020 goals. We are the densification specialists” says Slawomir. “Integration of ORAN & Core is the necessary product architecture solution. We are the first to implement it” says Anand.
“Our goal is to deliver ORAN & Edge Core solutions under OPEX model with 30-40% savings on TCO, after accounting for the costs of fronthaul fiber” says Khalid. “These massive savings and the OPEX model would motivate the MNO for densification” says Slawomir. “There are 20,000 macro sites in Philippines. Densification would call for 20,000+ small and light sites in the next 3-5 years. We are up to the challenge. Have set-up 70,000 macro-sites in 1 year in other markets” says Sethu Yegappan, COO, Tambora Systems.
“Densification is the first of a 3-step evolution” says Anand. The next is how to handle interference so that it is turned into an advantage. The fact that we have an abundance of signals allows us to achieve multiple QoS goals such as maximization of capacity, link reliability or minimization of energy consumption. This delivers high area traffic capacity, with lower energy spend than massive MIMO. “We have solved the problems of ultra-dense networking; interference, handover overload and centralized control, by being emerged into research for more than a decade.” says Robert Cieloch, COO, IS-Wireless.
The 3rd step is a completely disaggregated network. The entire radio stack, including schedulers, and the edge core are available as horizontal layers to any user and there are multiple paths to the Internet. This is in contrast, with the traditional vertical silos, where the radio stack access is tied to the users attached to that cell and the only path to the Internet is through the centralized core. The disaggregated network architecture, through load balancing across the network, saves network expansion costs by 30-40%.
ORAN 2.0 & Edge Core for Enterprises
The densified infrastructure created with ORAN 2.0 and Edge Core at significantly lower cost are what is needed for Enterprises. It forms the backbone of smart city infrastructure and dovetails into initiatives like Livable Cities. “The solution opens up the enterprise market” says Mike. “Our solution supports 4G and 5G. 4G support is vital as a significant portion of the users would be on 4G” says Artur Chmielewski, Head of Sales, IS-Wireless.
For the enterprise market, the solution provides LBO (Local Break Out), network slicing, guaranteed QoE, increased security and private networks without deploying 5G SA core.
CTTH (Cell To The Home)
The integrated ORAN & EdgeCore solution creates a mini-mobile network that directly connects to the Internet. This plug and play solution can be deployed at homes like Wi-Fi CPE of today. “Our name of this new approach is CTTH” says Erik Estrada ,Operations Head of TELKHA.
Fronthaul fiber
This would be critical for densification. “We are unique in offsetting the cost of the fronthaul through cost savings on other elements enabled by our new architecture” says Sethu. To start with, we leverage on existing FTTH/ FTTC. As a next step we bring in ecosystem partners for fiber infrastructure. “Already 10% of homes are passed by fiber in Philippines. That is enough to start. There is good headroom to grow” says Mike. “We are in dialog with major international institutions that are interested in funding the fronthaul fiber infrastructure creation” says Edmond, Founder and Lead investor, Tambora Systems.
Next announcements
“We are spreading our wings” says Khalid. “TELKHA to expand in the Asean region in Malaysia as its first offshore expansion” he adds. “We would announce soon international financial partners for fiber and edge infrastructure creation” says Edmond. “Creating dense fiber fronthaul in Philippines will be exciting” says Sethu. The centralized software-based control is essential for densification. We will strengthen our control plane portfolio through a joint development program with a Tier 1 MNO. “We are already in dialog on this. Expect some announcements soon” says Slawomir.
About IS-Wireless
IS-Wireless, based in Poland is a provider of 3GPP complaint 5G and 4G RAN solutions, supporting more users with better performance at lower cost by applying cutting edge technologies. The company is a proponent of Open RAN and a member of ORAN alliance and TIP (Telecom Infra Project). IS-Wireless’ LiquidRANTM is a new class of cloud native, highly disaggregated RAN which runs on any computing resources and support any ORAN functional split. IS-Wireless is the only rising European vendor mentioned as having the complete ORAN portfolio of O-RU, O-DU, O-CU, RIC and Management & Orchestration in the prestigious ORAN ecosystem report dated Nov 2021 and authored by the5 major European MNOs. The highlight of the IS-Wireless LiquidRANTM is the RIC platform supporting many in-house and third party xAPPs for advanced functionality.
About Tambora Systems
Tambora Systems has its headquarters in Singapore, product development center in India and business development office in Europe. Our product is the Tambora EdgeCoreTM that is a 3GPP compliant, cloud native, unified 5G & 4G mobile core optimized for the mobile network edge. We are a member of TIP. Our CUPS architected software runs on containers on any COTS server, INTEL or AMD or ARM processor based. Its micro disaggregated architecture with open interfaces facilitates easy integration with the next generation disaggregated ORAN and umbrella management systems. It is highly distributed for co-deployment with ORAN at macro cell sites or small cells by streetside or within buildings. It is intelligent, with built-in SAND (Subscriber, Application, Network & Device) awareness that seamlessly integrates into SON architecture. These product features result in significant cost savings and new revenue generation for our customers. We are the first in the industry to integrate cloud native ORAN and Core at the stack level for next-generation networks.
About Telkha Network Inc.
Telkha Network Inc. is based out of Philippines. It is a solutions company setup in 2015. We provide end-to-end solutions on a turnkey model with a full suite of services from planning to execution to operations. We are registered under PCAB (Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board) and ISO 9001 certified. Our accomplished projects have supported the deployments and expansions of all the MNOs in the Philippines with the collaboration through various telecom vendors.
Over the course of 8 years since establishment, Telkha Network has completed more than 10,000 sites of Single Site Verification (SSV) and Cluster Acceptance in the field of Radio Frequency (RF) Optimization equipped with the up-to-date test instruments. Our expertise in the field of telecom has produced more than 5,200 of site audits which includes tower, shelter, electrical and mechanical scopes for full turnkey, changeout and upgrade projects. We have provided services to more than 4,200 sites with scope ranging from passive (like generators and rectifiers) to active (telecom) equipment for Transport (Optics, IP) and Fixed Mobile domain, for both backbone and access sites across the Philippines.
We have done OSP (Outside Plant) engineering for 450 route km of backhaul and FTTH fiber. Other services accomplished includes more than 2000 circuit migrations, both physical and logical. TELKHA Network Inc is led by Khalid Khalil CEO and Founder who has a strong background and experience in the telecom space for more than 13 years. Business Development is managed by Mike Zambrano (PRINCE2,PMP,AMBCS) and was affiliated with multiple multinational companies in the telco industry for the past 22 years in APAC,MEA,OCEANIA. TELKHA prides itself with competitive deployment and implementation engineers headed by Erik Estrada (Head of Network Operations), Arjoe Lasin (Senior Project Manager) and Juan Miguel Zambrano (Senior Solution Architect) for telecom. TELKHA has a strong workforce of 150 engineers and technical teams.